Tuesday, 31 August 2021

❤😸I Love August because


you can see most of these on my blog using (roll the dice compost )

Amazing Race in our family# Japan

                                             I made an origami cup I drew the water coming out of it
                                                   everybody except Aiden and mostly dad made that dress that Stefanie is                                                                                                                                                               wearing

                                         we dropped the ball when we're finished but we got the ball over our heads                                                                                           before we dropped it was fun Aiden didn't participate
                                              I did a spot the difference there was 10 difference is I got them all I wrote yes                                                 on the sheet
                                             mum told me what to draw and I drew it with a blindfold it was so funny the m with a black circle around it as a snow cap and H circle with red is it tree


r😁ll the dice

                                                 I rolled the dice and I got five and I wrote one thing inside of my hand that I would achieve today and I cleaned my room and it was a transformation

                                                before my room looks like this



                                               after my room looks like this

I found 6 things that were out of place and put them away

I was only supposed to do one thing but I did one thing and half of another thing for 6

I set the table for Mum

                                                         I gave Mum a drink of water
                         we have 5 pairs Of Roller Skates. I know that's a Lot. one pair is for me, one for my little sister one pair from my big sister. One Pair for my mum and one pair for friends and I also cleaned up my desk. my mum wanted me to work there while Lock down was happening and I did that while I was cleaning my room

all without hesitation

amazing race at my house #New Zealand


5 Paralympic Games Facts


This week I was learning about the Paralympics
I found it challenging to remember all the facts
My digital Learning object shows facts about the Paralympics
Next time I would change nothing.

Friday, 27 August 2021

👍💧💨Poof! # A Big Mess

I put some vinegar in a bottle and a zip lock bag filled with baking soda over the top of it using a hair tie and tipped the baking soda into the vinegar and waited until the zip lock bag blew up.


1. Does the temperature change how much the balloon fills up? Maybe.

2. Does the size of the bottle affect it? Yes. Cos if the bottle is small less of the air can stay in the bottle and it gets pushed up into the balloon.

3. Does the amount of vinegar and baking soda affect how much the balloon fills up? No

How it works.

The bag blew up because of the chemical reaction which is called an acid/base reaction, which pushes the air into the balloon/zip lock bag.

What I Noticed

I noticed that some of the baking soda came out of the zip lock bag onto the table because I didn't tie the zip lock bag on fast enough. And then I quickly looped the hair tie around the neck of the bottle and it stayed tight. And then I tipped the rest of the baking soda into the bottle. And then the bag blew up/inflated. Then the bag felt tight and hard to squish.

What Was Challenging

Finding the zip lock bag, because we didn't have a balloon. Getting the baking soda out of the bag and into the bottle.

What Would I Do Differently

Use a balloon.




👌3D shapes

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

💚💞my sculpture

                                              This sculpture was inspired by Aunty Jo's picture

which is hanging in my room. The picture has a big waterfall and a small waterfall and a river, lots of trees, a tree stump and mossy rocks,  some ferns, and moss, some sky and some of her writing (signature). I was trying to create this picture in a jar. I found a fern and lots of moss and rocks. I tried to put water in there, but it didn't stay there. I was going to put moss on the lemon, but I forgot about that. That was trying to make the stump. I tried to make the stick look tree-like but I didn't have scissors then so I couldn't cut it far enough back, so it looked just like a big leaf. I put the tree of life
on it because of the writing on the back of the picture (it says provision of life). The ferns also represented the All Blacks logo. I enjoyed finding the fern. I enjoyed taking the photos. I hope you like it. I tried my hardest. Do try this at home. It is safe!